Friday, June 4, 2010

Quid Pro Quo.

Besides food, what else will there be to look forward to??

Why, PRIZES of course!!

But as the saying goes, you don't get something for nothing =P.

So, read on if you wanna know how to win yourself something nice on that night.

One way will be to win BEST DRESSED. Don't forget that the dress code for the night is semi-formal so all of you have more freedom to dress up =).

Girls, semi-formal means you don't have to come in long dresses that cost a lot. Instead, you can come in cute and colourful numbers like these.

And guys, not every event has to be in a penguin suit. Why not try something different?

But there can only be one winner in each category (Male/Female) that night. So if you don't win with your looks,

Guess what?? You can win with your brains!! =D

And there won't only be one winner, no no, this time, there'll be TEN.

We'll be having a little game on that night where a whole table will be given a chance to walk away with some super awesome prizes.

How exactly will the game work? You'll just have to keep checking this blog for more updates =P. But I'm sure since I mentioned brains, I'm sure most of you will have a good idea of what the game's gonna be.

Now, on the night of Graduation Ball, we'll also be presenting the first ever Mr. /Ms. TCSH award =). The nominees for this award were handpicked by the teachers for the academic excellence and also their participation in extra-curricular activities at TCSH.

Who exactly are the nominees? You'll just have to check back later to find out =).

P.S We'll be closing the ticket booth on the 10th of June 2010(Thursday). So get your tickets ASAP if you don't want to miss this awesome event!!

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